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Legacy weighing solutions undermine productivity

Benefits of digital transformation are undeniable. Digital tools and processes enable significantly higher productivity and efficiency, not to mention entirely new products, services, and business models across industries. 

A full-scale digital transition equips organizations to keep up with rapidly changing demands from customers, competition, and regulators. Thanks to digital and connected business systems, it is now easier than ever to break down the barriers between companies and enter a new era of inter-organizational collaboration. 

Despite the overall trend towards digitalization, there are exceptions in dire need of attention. For example, in industrial material flows, there is a link in the chain that still relies on old-school platforms and even paper forms that require a great deal of manual work.  

While a lion’s share of international trade is valued based on weight, industrial weighing operations are often far from modern. 

“Outdated processes result in high operational costs, low productivity, and reduced margins”, says Matti Sipilä, Vice President at mScales.  

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Immediate business impacts with streamlined weighing 

Automating weight-based material flows brings instant and tangible financial benefits, thanks to reduced manual work, and increased speed and efficiency. 

A modern digital weighing solution connects all kinds of industrial scales into the same digital grid with other business and logistics systems. At best, all weighing-related information is securely stored and easily accessible from a cloud-based service. 

“An ideal solution automatically provides reliable, always up-to-date data that serves as a basis for invoicing, documentation and reporting, and business decision-making”, Sipilä says. 

MicrosoftTeams-image (139)A digital weighing solution frees up resources from manual recording. The opportunity to carry out weighing operations as self-service opens up new business opportunities, like an independent self-service warehouse, as well. Simultaneously, maintenance costs and production interruptions typical to aged equipment will drop significantly. 

By automating all weight-based material flows, a company can make sure that the compliance of the weighing operations stands for both current and future requirements. There are a growing number of regulations posing ever stricter requirements on weighing that companies with old weighing systems are struggling to keep up with. 

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By digitalizing the material flows all the benefits mentioned above – and many more – will be within your grab. So, why wait any longer? 


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Read more about the available business benefits in our article “3 reasons to digitalize your weight-based material flows today”


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