Making a weighing with a weighing code, driver's instructions

Note: You don't need to register or log in to mScales to make weighings with a weighing code.

Incoming weighing

  1. You will receive the weighing code by text message or by email. The sender is mScales. Click the link provided in the message.
  2. Fill in the registration number by clicking on the pen icon (marked with a red box below) and typing the registration number in the field. Always write the registration number in the same way, i.e. either with hyphen or without a hyphen.
  3. Select the Vehicle Type from the dropdown list (marked with a red box below). The options are:
    • Truck
    • Trailer
    • Tandem trailer
  4. Drive onto the scale for incoming weighing.

  5. When the scale is stabilized and you are ready to perform the weighing, click the ‘START INCOMING WEIGHING’ button.
  6. When the weighing is complete, you'll receive a 'WEIGHING TICKET' window. Click 'OK' and drive off the scale.

Outgoing weighing

  1. The view returns to the start screen. The vehicle icon next to Incoming Weight is now green and displays the weight. You can proceed to outgoing weighing from this screen by clicking 'WEIGHING'.
  2. Drive onto the scale for the outgoing weighing.

  3. When the scale is stabilized and you are ready to perform the weighing, click the ‘START OUTGOING WEIGHING’ button.
  4. When the weighing is complete, you'll receive a 'WEIGHING TICKET' window. Click 'OK' and drive off the scale.
  5. The view returns to the start screen. The vehicle icon next to both Incoming Weight and Outgoing Weight is now orange.


Questions and Answers:

Q: I have only the weighing code number, no text message or email. How can I perform the weighing?

A: Type into your web browser's address bar (Chrome, Edge, Mozilla Firefox) and click 'Go'. Enter the weighing code number you received into the field in the 'START' window (marked with a red box below). You can then proceed according to step 2. of the incoming weighing instructions. 


Q: I closed the page after the incoming weighing. How can I perform the outgoing weighing?

A: Click the link again from the text message or email. You will be taken directly to the outgoing weighing start screen, where the vehicle icon next to Incoming Weight is now green and displays the weight. You can then proceed according to step 1. of the outgoing weighing instructions.


Q: Where can I find the weighing receipt for my weighing? 


  1.  Click the 'hamburger icon' in the top right corner, i.e. the three lines. A menu appears where you can select 'LATEST TICKET' to view the most recent weighing receipt. By selecting 'TICKETS', you can see those weighing receipts from the last 20 weighing receipts that have the same weighing code and vehicle registration number. 
  2. By clicking on a row from the list, you can open the weighing receipt. 
    To search for a weighing receipt made with a different weighing code or vehicle, click 'CHANGE'. The weighing must have been made with the same phone or tablet to be searchable. 
  3.  In the pop-up window, you can click on the gray area (marked with a red box below) and choose the weighing code and registration number from the list that have been most recently used on this phone or tablet. You can also type the weighing code and registration number into the white fields. 

    Click 'SEARCH' and you will see a list of those weighing receipts from the last 20 weighing receipts that have the same weighing code and vehicle registration number you selected. 

    By clicking 'BACK TO START', you will get back to the start screen.